Tintwest have the right film for all applications to reduce heat, glare, ultra violet rays, and even give you daytime privacy.
Strong, laminated clear film (100 microns) that bonds to the glass to decrease injuries when the glass is broken. It is used to upgrade non-conforming glass to comply with Safety Glazing Standard AS/NZS 2208. Used extensively in childcare centres.
Thicker than Safety Film ie. 175, 200 & 275 microns. It is a strong laminated clear film that bonds to the glass to resist unwelcome intrusion even when the glass is broken. It will help to protect your property from theft and vandalism. It also complies with the Safety Glazing Standard AS/NZS 2208.
Simulates factory etched glass. Gives privacy but allows light into the room. Often used in bathrooms, front doors and also at the office. It can even be cut as your company logo.
It is a tough film suitable for interior and exterior surfaces such as glass, mirrors and stainless steel. Used as a sacrifice surface as it can be removed and replaced cheaper and easier than glass or steel.
Generally a blockout film that prevents vision but it will add colour to your office windows or interior glass panels. It can even be cut as your company logo.
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